About AHP

Aquatic Health Program

Mission Statement:

The Aquatic Heath Program (AHP) is a multidisciplinary research unit that addresses applied ecological and toxicological questions in aquatic ecosystems. We collaborate with the private sector, interagency programs, regional, state and federal agencies as well as other research and educational institutions to improve the health of aquatic species and their environments.

AHP Objectives are to: 

  • Establish high throughput, practical, and cost-effective systems for screening the effects of contaminant and contaminant mixtures specific to aquatic organisms. 
  • Educate researchers, veterinarians, and graduate students in aquatic organism health, comparative pathology, pharmacology, and ecotoxicology. 
  • Provide training for selected undergraduates in conventional aquatic toxicology and provide outreach experiences for regional high school students. 
  • Collaborate with private sectors, interagency programs, regional, state and federal stakeholders as well as other research and educational institutions to improve the health of aquatic species and their environments. 
  • Initiate meetings with citizen stakeholder groups on environmental issues and hold forums for interactive discussions on environmental policies concerning watershed quality and management.
  • Deliver oral presentations, written reports, and peer-reviewed publications on completed projects for use in the management and protection of threatened and endangered species.